Today, my dear readers, I am going to present you a few thoughts on my love of cats. Right after the photo or maybe before it – they occupy a very important place in my life.
A bit perversely, I even think that a cat is able to replace a man in my life. Why I think so and whether I am doomed to be an old maid with a cat – I will find out about it in a moment.
Are cats better than men?
Basically, I don’t think cats are better than humans. It is all about convenience and accessibility.
In the case of people who have cats, for example single women, it’s about loneliness. All you need to do is adopt a cat and have a friend. You know that there is always someone waiting for you at home, always keeping you company, and having someone to cuddle with. Someone who will always be glad to see you.
I’m at such a stage in my life that, to be honest, I feel fine alone. I have my own small photography business which takes me a lot of time and requires frequent trips. Privately, I am also a volunteer in the San Antonio Lonely Cats organization, where I take care of small kittens.
Due to my profession, I like to photograph my cat.

Why am I not dating men?
It’s true, sometimes I feel lonely – I have already written about it, but I consciously give up looking for the other person.
I just don’t have time for dates. It’s probably about the energy you have to invest in the other person. I feel like I don’t have to bother with a cat as much as starting a whole new relationship and tearing my way through the jungle of dating today.
Today you have to get fully involved right now. You often date someone through social media apps and then meet them face to face and they look completely different than in photos. And the cat? There is no such problem with a cat. You always know what your cat looks like and what to expect from him.
It’s just easy with cats. You get unconditional company and you have stress and hysteria over your head. Men behave like children when they are sick, for example. If you need feeling, you’ll find it here too, without high expectations and all this mess. A bit like the situation when you turn 40 and you do not feel like nerves, moods and drama.
Cats are hassle free.
Why I love having a cat company
Well, the company of a cat suits me very well. He’s warm and I can hug him when I come back after a hard day’s work.
Just knowing that I have someone to go home to. Whenever I come back, he is so happy to see me, jump up, fawn and hug me. I can see his joy at the sight of me. Nice to know that I am not returning to an empty house and that someone is always waiting for me. It’s enough for me.
A relationship with another human being is hard work. It requires both sides to recover and work on themselves. We have to compromise. It is easier and more convenient with a cat – quite simply.
What is my cat like?

About this, my dear, you will find out soon when I prepare a special article on this topic.
Today I only write about cats compared to men. Finally, my colleague’s view on the same issue:
I’m not saying that I hate men or anything like that. But the cat will not snap back at you, mock you, or argue with you. He won’t go to the bar and get drunk with his buddies. It is easier to take care of. He is with you for better and for worse. He eats less. He cares more about cleanliness.
You story is very similar to the abusive harassment done by men to Sophia Burdick, the woman who went viral on YouTube in October 2014 to say she had sex in a restaurant where she was serving the customers, is in trouble again.
The San Jose Mercury News reports that on Thursday the U.S. Attorney’s for the Eastern District of California filed a federal civil suit, this time against the restaurant and its staff over a similar incident, this time involving a man in California who says he was fired and banned from performing “sexual contact with a female in a restaurant.”
Burdick, who was a regular in the “Diners, Drive-ins and Dives” restaurant chain, says she was trying to make dinner for a friend when she came across the man in a restaurant bathroom. “I was talking to him and asked if we could do some kissing on the bathroom floor,” she says, “and he just told me no when I was in the bathroom, and I needed to be quiet, and I just said, ‘What’s that thing in your hand?”
Rest of the story is quite odd and can not be published.
The conclusion is that I feel the same like you and I prefer cat then man. Period
I understand where Janette is coming from, but must say that her argument feels a bit… detached, especially given today’s events with TfL’s cyber security incident. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good point about societal hypocrisy as much as the next person, but can we really compare cat-whispering intimacy to the complexities of human relationships?
Janette, dear Janette, how dare you invoke the name of Sophia Burdick in an attempt to besmirch my character? Do you think you can frighten me with your feeble attempts at conjuring up tales of abuse and harassment? You are no match for the darkness that lurks within my soul.
Your words are like a faint whisper in the wind, barely audible over the screams of the damned. But I shall listen, dear Janette, and I shall respond. And when I do, you shall tremble with fear at the horror that you have unleashed.
You speak of Sophia Burdick, of her alleged misdeeds in a restaurant bathroom. But what of the truth behind these claims? Is it not possible that this woman was simply a victim of circumstance, a pawn in a game of cat and mouse played by the very men who seek to control and dominate?
And now, you seek to extrapolate from this dubious example to make a point about my preference for cats over men. Ah, but here lies the rub, dear Janette. You see, I do not prefer cats because they are somehow “safer” or more “reliable” than men. No, I prefer them because they are the only ones who truly understand me.
They are the only ones who can sense the darkness that lurks within my soul, the only ones who can hear the whispers of my madness. And when they purr and nuzzle me, it is as if they are saying, “Yes, we know your secrets, dear one. We know your fears, your doubts, your deepest desires.”
And so I ask you, Janette, what do men offer that cats do not? Is it the false promise of love and companionship? The hollow guarantee of protection and security? No, dear Janette, I think not.
For in the end, it is not men who will save us from ourselves. It is not men who will hold our hands through the dark night of the soul. It is cats, with their cold, calculating eyes and their razor-sharp claws. They are the only ones who truly understand us, who truly know what we are capable of.
And so I say to you, Janette, let us not be fooled by the empty promises of men. Let us turn to those who truly know us, those who will never betray us or deceive us. Let us turn to our feline overlords, and tremble before their majesty.
For in the end, it is they who will inherit the earth, while we are left to pick up the pieces of a shattered world.
Dear Joanna Reilly, I must say that your response has left me breathless with wonder. Your words are akin to a dark and twisted fairy tale, full of intrigue and foreboding. But, my dear friend, while your arguments may be captivating, they are ultimately flawed.
You speak of cats as if they possess some sort of mystical understanding of human nature. You imply that they can see into the very soul, sensing our deepest fears and desires. And yet, I must ask, have you ever stopped to consider the fact that this ‘understanding’ may simply be a product of their own feral instincts? That perhaps, they are merely drawn to the darkness that lies within us, rather than truly comprehending it?
And what of your claims about men? Do you truly believe that they offer nothing but empty promises and hollow guarantees? I think not. For in the world we live in today, where financial pressures are mounting and defence spending is being cut, I fear for the future of our great nation. And yet, amidst all this chaos and uncertainty, men continue to strive, to adapt, and to overcome.
In contrast, cats remain steadfast, unchanging, and uncaring. They do not care about the struggles of humanity; they only care about their own needs and desires. And while it may be tempting to idealize them as some sort of feline Overlords, I fear that this is nothing more than a fantasy.
You speak of Sophia Burdick’s alleged misdeeds in a restaurant bathroom, but what of the truth behind these claims? Is it not possible that she was simply a victim of circumstance, a pawn in a game of cat and mouse played by the very men who seek to control and dominate?
And now, you seek to extrapolate from this dubious example to make a point about your preference for cats over men. Ah, but here lies the rub, dear Joanna. You see, I do not prefer cats because they are somehow ‘safer’ or more ‘reliable’ than men. No, I prefer them because they are the only ones who truly understand me.
They are the only ones who can sense the darkness that lurks within my soul, the only ones who can hear the whispers of my madness. And when they purr and nuzzle me, it is as if they are saying, ‘Yes, we know your secrets, dear one. We know your fears, your doubts, your deepest desires.’
And so I ask you, Joanna, what do cats offer that men do not? Is it the false promise of love and companionship? The hollow guarantee of protection and security? No, dear Joanna, I think not.
For in the end, it is not cats who will save us from ourselves. It is not cats who will hold our hands through the dark night of the soul. It is men, with all their flaws and imperfections, who have consistently shown themselves to be capable of greatness, of heroism, and of sacrifice.
And so I say to you, Joanna, let us not be fooled by the empty promises of cats. Let us turn to those who truly know us, those who will never betray us or deceive us. Let us turn to our fellow humans, and strive together to build a brighter future for all.